This Is Us

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Melancholy's The Word

Usually, my posts are inspirational, happy or even just nostalgic. This is coming from someone who has written maybe four? But today, after being in a great morning mood, to having a fall out of none other than my friends, whom I care more about than really anything, well, I have to write it down somewhere. I have known my friends since who knows how long, and they are always there for me when I need it, but since  graduation is around the corner, tension is up as well as moods. Today, we were all having a great time, and out of nowhere, everyone's day turned to, well, pure crap. It seems to be over small things, and I'm not sure why. I think that the types of friends I have, aside from maybe one or two, or the mixture we are together, we make one big toxic bomb. We uses to be so carefree, and not have to seem others attention; now, I don't remember a day where it is not like that. I am at a Loss of what to do any more, evoke myself out of the group, or  just sit back and hope maybe I am just being too sensitive in caring for the well being of my friends. Someday, I'll figure out what went wrong. Hopefully it won't be the ugly truth: me.

I apologize for the rant, or anyone who reads this. I hope the right people read this. Maybe people who are having issues with their friends or maybe are the problem. I'm telling you now, it's better to  try to fix it while you can before you lose them all over something dumb like you can't find the thesis... 

-- Sincerely Somber...?