This Is Us

Monday, November 24, 2014


So this post will be more informal... Ha! They all are ;)

I am sitting here, listening to my music, which is Korean. And I am thinking of how people like all different things from around the world. We are really all globalized. But that is the beauty of life, right?

Would you like to know my dream? My dream is to become a member of a group through SM Entertainment, in South Korea. I would be so happy if I could be an entertainer through SM. What is your dream? Everyone has one, and they are never too big. 

My point for this blog? If you have a dream, go get it. What is holding you back? I want to go to Korea, and I am going to go there and get my dreams once I get my Bachelor's Degree, because that is what will make me happy. Will I make it into SM Entertainment? Probably not. But will I still be happy? Heck yes! I will probably join a dance studio, and sing on the side, and be an... I don't know, but I will do what makes me happy, even if that means gardening. 

I never want to be a person who is very successful, but does not live their life every single day at their most happiest moment. Obviously life is not all rainbows and sunshine, but I will never take one single thing for granted. I was born in the wrong country, I am not for consumerism, I am for labor, music, and cuisine. Well... and skin care! And the leisure life, not hustle and bustle of everyday life. 

Sometimes I regret joining the college I joined. What enticed me to come here? What do I really want to do with my life? I do not know the answer to these questions, but what I do know is that I want to go to EurAsia. And that is my real home. 

So here is my challenge for you, the few of you who do read these; I commend you. You are the reason why I smile in the evenings and scroll through this site. 

My challenge for you is to think about your future. Not the way your family wants it, not the way your peers, your elders want it, or society. The way YOU want your future to be. The sky is the limit. And make that goal your vision. You know how you can decide if it your real dream? If it would be like you couldn't even call it "work". 

If you've got it in your head, feel free to post back to me what your dream is, I would love to hear your dreams and hopes for your future. So let's all be healthy, work hard and go get our dreams!!!


-Determined and Wishful

I'm Back In The Saddle Again

Evening ladies and gentleman, how is life?

Now that I have gotten that college myth busting out of my system, I must now inform you of my experience. Well, I don't HAVE to, I can, and I will!

SO, I came to school the first week, nervous as can be, worrying about money, classes, time, all of this stuff. And was I wrong to worry? Heck no, I was doing the normal thing. It is OKAY to worry. But do not let it run your life. Breakdowns were becoming normal for me. And let me tell you, they weren't breakdowns, they were BREAKDOWNS. But hey, I am alive, seven weeks later alive and healthy.

Also, I have learned that money is important here, so it is good to go in with a plan. Work all summer, take out a loan, etc. Plans help.

Another thing that confused me is the fact that accountability was all on me now, I had to take care of everything. I had to account for my buses, my classes, my traveling, my meals, everything.

My responsibility changed. Gosh did it change. I was responsible for getting myself from here to my college, and back home. I had so many responsibilities, that my fear spiked. But here is the thing. Twas all for naught.

I had a tough time this first term. Lots of home change, turmoil, issues I hadn't had to deal with for years. It had kept me vulnerable, and probably not preforming at my best. But when I was spending all of my time studying, working, and barely sleeping. But I started to worry if I was going to pass all of my classes. And one of my classes, I was failing, but it wasn't my fault, I wasn't the only one. So I guess I have some advice to give. If you are failing a class, and you have done absolutely everything you can to pass it, and it looks inevitably as if you are going to fail it, it looks better to have withdrawn from a class rather than failed a class. True story. So that is what I did. I opened my schedule, withdrew from the class, and now one thousand pounds are removed from my shoulders.

So here is the thing: If you need help, or feel overwhelmed, talk to someone. A school counselor will help you as much as they can, and I highly suggest it. I have talked to so many it is hard to follow. You need your sanity, and they are there to help you with it. If you are going to a college such as a smaller University, and you would like to see an advisor, then I suggest seeing the undecided advisor, they have more advice to give, and don't have one specific goal for you.

So since I have not posted for a while, this is my rant and I promise to make an attempt to post more, and let you know how life is treating me.

Sincerely, Mused and Missed

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Hello! Everybody

Well, has it not been a long time?

I have not forgotten about you, don't fret. Life just, got busy. And it gets busy. Just had to take some time to get my ducks into rows. Did I get them into rows? Yeah. Right. Obviously you need to read my blogs from the beginning.

My first term of college has been hectic to say the least. I have met new people, gone to new places I never thought I would make it to, learned new things about the world, and about myself. I also learned about burning the candle at both ends, homework, and failing classes. This is real life, folks, and we are about to get down to the nitty-gritty. So if you can handle it, and would like to see what the 2000's have done to college, even though not much has changed throughout the years, then sit back, grab a soft pillow, your favorite hot beverage and put on some calming forties music, that's what I am listening to, so let's connect, my friends.

Are you settled in? Because I can wait. OK? Let's go.

So they tell you in high school that your professors do not care about you, you will have endless amounts of homework, there are parties every single night, and boys and girls might as well be filming pornography in class. Well, they might not say the last one, but they are only right about one thing; the homework.

The key to success in college? Go to school two-three days a week, all day or not, who cares. Do homework when you can those days, but don't make it your priority. Then, take one to two days, and devote it to homework, and yourself. I don't mean friends, parties, drinking, clubbing, and the likes. I mean your health, your body, exercise, take a hot bath, study, go over lectures. Spend that day benefitting no one else but yourself. And please, stay off of media sites. And the other two or three days? Part-time job, my friends. If you don't work throughout your college career, then I am going to assume that you are rich and mommy and daddy have got your tuition paid for. Guess what? You still need to learn what "earning your keep" is. Sorry folks, didn't mean to sound so honest there.

So myth busting away, your professors will care about you more than anything, they care about how much you understand, and not what you regurgitate during a test. Questions? Email their TA. Important Questions? Email them directly or meet them. They will work to your needs. Refreshing, isn't it? Also, parties do not exist in college unless you are part of a frat/sorority house. Still, they are rare. In college, homework is vital to any passing class, so parties are hard to find unless it is a community college. But they still do happen, so don't think that your life is over. But please be careful. Date rape is a huge concern on any campus and rises every year, the buddy system is a life saver though, use it!

Another lie that is told; well not a lie, but really a misconception. You get the list of assignments, and then it is up to you to keep up with them. This is partially true. You do get the assignments for the beginning of the term to the end, and then they keep reminding you as due dates are coming up. They really are there for the success for you, and that brings me to the next point. No one cares if you come to class. Well, my friends here is the killer truth: If you want to pass the class, then face the fact that half of your points to any of your classes go to your attendance. Don't show up, don't pass the class. Most of your exams and such will be based heavily on the lectures, so if you aren't there, then how will you pass the test? Read the book? Guess what. Reading does nothing if you read it all and only go over half.

Thus brings to the next one! I know it is long and tedious but I want this to be out there for you, so you have insight to the world, and what to expect. Let me also make clear that if you ever need anything I welcome messages and comments on this blog, because I want to help. I am not a professional, nor can I give any professional advice. But I can give an opinion, or try to relate. Or just listen... Well read. I am great at observing.

Any way, last point that I can consciously think of. All classes are huge lectures with the teacher speaking, and everyone listening. Maybe it a big university such as Yale, or Harvard but not a smaller more urban school. There are classes that are required for every student based on their years, and in that class, it is an intimate setting, with small classes and engaging one-on-one conversations. Even in lectures there is engaging. Because, truth be told, having a higher up professor talk at you for hours does not get through to everyone. So, to see how everyone is getting it, they like to engage, and also like to know what you think. Most of the professors do not enjoy lecturing and hearing their own voices for two to four hours.

So here was a little myth busting for you. It does not cover all colleges, universities, law schools, they are all different. But the thing is, college is not scary, it is a place for you to make friends, meet new people, and more importantly, find yourself. Actually, I would use the term meet yourself. But that's another blog!

-Glad To Be Back