This Is Us

Monday, November 24, 2014

I'm Back In The Saddle Again

Evening ladies and gentleman, how is life?

Now that I have gotten that college myth busting out of my system, I must now inform you of my experience. Well, I don't HAVE to, I can, and I will!

SO, I came to school the first week, nervous as can be, worrying about money, classes, time, all of this stuff. And was I wrong to worry? Heck no, I was doing the normal thing. It is OKAY to worry. But do not let it run your life. Breakdowns were becoming normal for me. And let me tell you, they weren't breakdowns, they were BREAKDOWNS. But hey, I am alive, seven weeks later alive and healthy.

Also, I have learned that money is important here, so it is good to go in with a plan. Work all summer, take out a loan, etc. Plans help.

Another thing that confused me is the fact that accountability was all on me now, I had to take care of everything. I had to account for my buses, my classes, my traveling, my meals, everything.

My responsibility changed. Gosh did it change. I was responsible for getting myself from here to my college, and back home. I had so many responsibilities, that my fear spiked. But here is the thing. Twas all for naught.

I had a tough time this first term. Lots of home change, turmoil, issues I hadn't had to deal with for years. It had kept me vulnerable, and probably not preforming at my best. But when I was spending all of my time studying, working, and barely sleeping. But I started to worry if I was going to pass all of my classes. And one of my classes, I was failing, but it wasn't my fault, I wasn't the only one. So I guess I have some advice to give. If you are failing a class, and you have done absolutely everything you can to pass it, and it looks inevitably as if you are going to fail it, it looks better to have withdrawn from a class rather than failed a class. True story. So that is what I did. I opened my schedule, withdrew from the class, and now one thousand pounds are removed from my shoulders.

So here is the thing: If you need help, or feel overwhelmed, talk to someone. A school counselor will help you as much as they can, and I highly suggest it. I have talked to so many it is hard to follow. You need your sanity, and they are there to help you with it. If you are going to a college such as a smaller University, and you would like to see an advisor, then I suggest seeing the undecided advisor, they have more advice to give, and don't have one specific goal for you.

So since I have not posted for a while, this is my rant and I promise to make an attempt to post more, and let you know how life is treating me.

Sincerely, Mused and Missed

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