Lately I have been feeling a lack of inspiration to write.
Honestly I have been lacking inspiration in many things.
This election year has been taxing on so many beliefs, relationships, and political opinions.
It has also ruined relationships, hopes, and the country seems to be in a state of low-key hysteria.
The first day after the elections were over, I instantly realized how hateful people can be. I still lose sleep over the sadness whirling inside me. People I never talk to, attacking me and my family over beliefs and opinions that involve only ourselves.
I DESPISE THIS. This world has suddenly become the opposite of everything we stood for. We are racist, discriminatory, gender biased assholes who think if the leader can get away with something the media talked about one time, then "So can I!"
Well here is a reality check. I am a person. You all know me, and have known me for years. I am also a person who is Bisexual, medically disabled, and mentally unstable. Everything I am reading about is tearing me apart.
The fact that so many people are taking their opinions, hate, and beliefs and projecting them onto undeserving victims is stomach churning.
What happened to America, where we all loved each other and fought for equality, and rights for everyone? Does that not exist anymore? For those of you who are on my Facebook and have said hateful things to people who voted for Hillary or Trump, unfriend me now.
Shallow opinions are welcome but will not be tolerated. I want everyone to know that even in this world of indecisiveness, There are people who are safe places. Heard of the Safety pin project? I stand for it.
I stand for women, men, children, non binaries, pansexuals, and everyone in-between! I want you to know that all I want in this world like many others, is to make the world a better place with love and caring for others. I have nothing but love and feelings to give, so why not take them? Exactly.
Please love one another, Please remember what is truly important, and PLEASE spread love not hate, and never say something to someone unless it could stand as the last thing you said.
I love you all so so so much. XOXOXO
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