I am sorry that my blogs sometimes don't make sense. I am still so new to the blogging process.
Sometimes, as I was telling my friend the other day, I will be typing something, or telling everyone how my day was, and then I will have an overflow of emotion that comes to quickly for me to put into words, so I decide to quit writing and pick up where I leave off the next time I feel like writing my blog.
Like right now, I feel overwhelmed even though I don't have much that has happened today. I mean I did find out that we have to bring my horse out later than I thought we were going to be able to. And it is hard for me because being with my horse is like therapy for me, which really sucks.
I have become so sad already and stressed because of the changes that are happening, any unfortunate news that occurs really makes me shut down. I am weak when it comes to that. I am hoping that being here makes me thrive.
To Be Continued...
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