This Is Us

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Days That Turn Into Weeks

The days that build up into weeks for students start out exciting in the new year. New wardrobe, new attitude, new view on how your life will be!... At least for the first month or two, and then the homework starts, the essays and speeches, the questions what ARE you going do to with your life? The answer to be a princess or an astronaut which was so cute and hysterical in preschool is not so acceptable now when your life is about to hit you square in the face.

For us seniors, the stress begins on day one, as the principal tells you you are the models of the high school, and to not fall behind! Well thank you kindly, I was not stressed before, and now that I have things such as college to worry about, thank you for giving me a project to test out my career path early... WAY early. I guess it helps us though, I've known people to faint in their job shadow process! Lord knows I'm so glad that did not happen to me, I want to teach, English in foreign countries. I used to loathe children, for some unknown reason, but now, their beautiful faces, and belly laughs bring me joy, so, what better way to enjoy them than to teach and work with them.

As the days count down to graduation, the countdown goes up on the board, and stress levels heighten. I worry about my college classes I am taking now and will I really be good enough. Not to top it off, but I have recently been struggling with my stress a bit more intensely of late, and even my best friend, who has gone through this stuff, is starting to notice it. How can I hide anything from her, she has seen me naked... too many times to admit.

But, when it boils down to the memories, and the friends, there is really nothing like high school, even nothing like the drama. I can promise you, that after high school, you will never again have to deal with Sally getting mad at you because you got the lead in Grease! or you got the asked to prom by the quarterback. Not that that happens to everyone, never happened to me, and I am happy with myself, and how I have turned out. I have never done drugs, or drank, but those are my choices, and I realize, it is high school, so ship happens. But one thing I realized when I started high school. Everything I do now, will stick with me forever, so someday when I want that job, I better hope to god they do not require a pee test and I have stayed smart all of these years.

So the main idea of my blog on this fine little evening, is that, there are days when high school seems never ending, boring, and useless. And sometimes, well, it truly is. But what I have come to realize, and I hope you will too, is that all too soon, your senior year will come, and everything you were taught will come to be useful. And again, all too soon, you will be expected to go out on your own, with no direction, scared and wondering if you will survive. I am here to tell you, as scared as I am for that day, you'll make it. You've made it this far, congratulations you clever thing you.

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