This Is Us

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


When you are looking for love, you never find it, no matter how hard you try. 

And then, when you give up and decide to find happiness within yourself, that's when you truly start to look. 

But when you find that love, you're never ready, it doesn't happen slowly, or in order like in the movies. It happens quickly and roughly with bumps and bruises and sometimes pain that you wish you could erase but then it would take away the memories. 
But when you find that someone who makes you forget why you are mad at them and it kills you to leave the room when they are in it, you have found something special. 

Sometimes you find people who have lived entire lives before you, and when that happens, it's scary. You wonder what you can live up to, when they have experienced so much prior to knowing just you. But the thing you should know, is guarding yourself with walls isn't helpful, it's hurtful. Yes be on your guard because at any moment you could be left in the dust, any relationship is like that, but letting your guard down builds trust, and takes you two deeper. 

Will you be hurt if it ends? Of course, you ARE human. Will you get better? Sure, you were alive before you met them, you will be after. The thing to know is you will always you yourself to be there for you, and you have friends and family. But don't wait for the other shoe to drop. Just enjoy everything now, and live your life. 

That's what I am doing ;-) 

Lots of love, 

Springing into Summer

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